Journal Articles and Book Chapters
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In Press
Carrasco, C. D., Simmons, A. M., Kiat, J. E., & Luck, S. J. (in press). Enhanced working memory representations for rare events. Psychophysiology. [preprint]
Hunter, B. K., Kiat, J. E., Klotz, S. M., Nelson, C. M., Luck, S. J., & Oakes, L. M. (in press). The predictive ability of GBVS feature channels on infants’ fixations of natural scenes. Visual Cognition.
Krisst, L. C., & Luck, S. J. (in press). Electroencephalographic decoding of conscious versus unconscious representations during binocular rivalry. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. [preprint]
Boudewyn, M. A., Erickson, M. A., Winsler, K., Barch, D. M., Carter, C. S., Frank, M. J., MacDonald III, A. W., Ragland, J. D., Silverstein, S. M., Yonelinas, A. P., & Luck, S. J. (2025). Assessing trial-by-trial EEG and behavioral markers of attentional control and sensory precision in psychotic and mood disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 51, 543–555.
Talcott, T. N., Kiat, J. E., Luck, S. J., & Gaspelin, N. (2025). Is covert attention necessary for programming accurate saccades? Evidence from saccade-locked event-related potentials. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 87, 172–190.
Carrasco, C. D., Bahle, B., Simmons, A. M., & Luck, S. J. (2024). Using multivariate pattern analysis to increase effect sizes for event-related potential analyses. Psychophysiology, 61, e14570. [preprint]
Culbreth, A. J., Moran, E. K., Mahaphanit, W., Erickson, M. A., Boudewyn, M. A., Frank, M. J., Barch, D. M., MacDonald III, A. W., Ragland, J. D., Luck, S. J., Silverstein, S. M., Carter, C. S., & Gold, J. M. (2024). A transdiagnostic study of effort-cost decision-making in psychotic and mood disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 50(2), 339–348.
Erickson, M. A., Boudewyn, M. A., Winsler, K., Li, C., Barch, D. M., Carter, C. S., Frank, M. J., MacDonald III, A. W., Ragland, J. D., Silverstein, S. M., Yonelinas, A. P., & Luck, S. J. (2024). Dysfunctional alpha modulation as a mechanism of working memory impairment in serious mental illness. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 9, 1271-1280.
Luck, S. J., & Kiat, J. E. (2024). Visual working memory for natural scenes: Challenges and opportunities. Cognitive Processing, 25, 73–78.
Mushtaq, F., Welke, D., Gallagher, A., Pavlov, Y. G., Kouara, L., Bosch-Bayard, J., van den Bosch, J. J. F., Arvaneh, M., Bland, A. R., Chaumon, M., Borck, C., He, X., Luck, S. J., Machizawa, M. G., Pernet, C., Puce, A., Segalowitz, S. J., Rogers, C., Awais, M., … Valdes-Sosa, P. (2024). One hundred years of EEG for brain and behaviour research. Nature Human Behaviour, 8, 1437–1443.
Zhang, G., Carrasco, C. D., Winsler, K., Bahle, B., Cong, F., & Luck, S. J. (2024). Assessing the effectiveness of spatial PCA on SVM-based decoding of EEG data. NeuroImage, 293, 120625.
Zhang, G., Garrett, D. R., & Luck, S. J. (2024a). Optimal filters for ERP research I: A general approach for selecting filter settings. Psychophysiology, 61, e14531. [preprint]
Zhang, G., Garrett, D. R., & Luck, S. J. (2024b). Optimal filters for ERP research II: Recommended settings for seven common ERP components. Psychophysiology, 61, e14530. [preprint]
Zhang, G., Garrett, D. R., Simmons, A. M., Kiat, J. E., & Luck, S. J. (2024). Evaluating the effectiveness of artifact correction and rejection in event-related potential research. Psychophysiology, 61, e14511. [preprint]
Bansal, S., Bae, G.-Y., Robinson, B. M., Dutterer, J., Hahn, B., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2023). Qualitatively different delay-dependent working memory distortions in people with schizophrenia and healthy control subjects. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 8, 1218-1227.
Boudewyn, M. A., Erickson, M. A., Winsler, K., Ragland, J. D., Yonelinas, A. P., Frank, M. J., Silverstein, S. M., MacDonald III, A. W., Carter, C. S., Barch, D. M., & Luck, S. J. (2023). Managing EEG studies: How to prepare and what to do once data collection has begun. Psychophysiology, 60, e14365.
Dalloul, N., Moran, E. K., Gold, J. M., Carter, C. S., MacDonald, A. W., III, Ragland, J. D., Silverstein, S. M., Luck, S. J., & Barch, D. M. (2023). Transdiagnostic Predictors of Everyday Functioning: Examining the Relationships of Depression and Reinforcement Learning. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 49, 1281–1293.
DeBolt, M. C., Mitsven, S. G., Pomaranski, K. I., Cantrell, L. M., Luck, S. J., & Oakes, L. M. (2023). A new perspective on the role of physical salience in visual search: Graded effect of salience on infants’ attention. Developmental Psychology, 59, 326–343. [preprint]
Gaspelin, N., Egeth, H. E., & Luck, S. J. (2023). A critique of the attentional window account of capture failures. Journal of Cognition, 6, 1–7.
Gold, J. M., & Luck, S. J. (2023). Working Memory in People with Schizophrenia. In D. M. Barch & J. W. Young (Eds.), Cognitive Functioning in Schizophrenia: Leveraging the RDoC Framework (pp. 137–152). Springer.
Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2023). Attention in Schizophrenia. In D. M. Barch & J. W. Young (Eds.), Cognitive Functioning in Schizophrenia: Leveraging the RDoC Framework (pp. 61–78). Springer.
Talcott, T. N., Kiat, J. E., Luck, S. J., & Gaspelin, N. (2023). Is covert attention necessary for programming accurate saccades? Evidence from saccade-locked event-related potentials. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
Trammel, T., Khodayari, N., Luck, S. J., Traxler, M. J., & Swaab, T. Y. (2023). Decoding semantic relatedness and prediction from EEG: A classification method comparison. NeuroImage, 277, 120268.
Zhang, G., & Luck, S. J. (2023). Variations in ERP data quality across paradigms, participants, and scoring procedures. Psychophysiology, 60, e14264. [preprint]
Bacigalupo, F., & Luck, S. J. (2022). Alpha-band EEG suppression as a neural marker of sustained attentional engagement to conditioned threat stimuli. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 17, 1101–1117.
Bae, G.-Y., & Luck, S. J. (2022). Perception of opposite-direction motion in random dot kinematograms. Visual Cognition, 30, 289–303. [preprint]
Bansal, S., Bae, G.-Y., Robinson, B. M., Hahn, B., Waltz, J., Erickson, M. A., Leptourgos, P., Corlett, P., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2022). Association between failures in perceptual updating and severity of psychosis in schizophrenia. JAMA Psychiatry, 79, 169–177.
Erickson, M. A., Lopez-Calderon, J., Robinson, B. M., Gold, J. M., & Luck, S. J. (2022). Gamma-band entrainment abnormalities in schizophrenia: Modality-specific or cortex-wide impairment? Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 131, 899–905.
Hahn, B., Robinson, B. M., Kiat, J. E., Geng, J. J., Bansal, S., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2022). Impaired filtering and hyperfocusing: Neural evidence for distinct selective attention abnormalities in people with schizophrenia. Cerebral Cortex, 32, 1950–1964.
He, T., Kiat, J. E., Boudewyn, M. A., Segae, K., & Luck, S. J. (2022). Neural Correlates of Word Representation Vectors in Natural Language Processing Models: Evidence from Representational Similarity Analysis of Event-Related Brain Potentials. Psychophysiology, 59, e13976. [preprint]
Kiat, J. E., Hayes, T. R., Henderson, J. M., & Luck, S. J. (2022). Rapid extraction of the spatial distribution of physical saliency and semantic informativeness from natural scenes in the human brain. The Journal of Neuroscience, 42, 97-108. [preprint]
*Kiat, J. E., *Luck, S. J., Beckner, A. G., Hayes, T. R., Pomaranski, K. I., Henderson, J. M., & Oakes, L. M. (2022). Linking patterns of infant eye movements to a neural network model of the ventral stream using representational similarity analysis. Developmental Science, 25, e13155. *Joint first authors.
*Kreither, J., *Papaioannou, O., & Luck, S. J. (2022). Active working memory and simple cognitive operations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 34, 313-331. [preprint] *Joint first authors.
Luck, S. J. (2022). Foreword. In P. A. Gable, M. W. Miller, & E. M. Bernat (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of EEG Frequency. Oxford University Press.
Niso, G., Krol, L. R., Combrisson, E., Dubarry, A. S., Elliott, M. A., François, C., Héjja-Brichard, Y., Herbst, S. K., Jerbi, K., Kovic, V., Lehongre, K., Luck, S. J., Mercier, M., Mosher, J. C., Pavlov, Y. G., Puce, A., Schettino, A., Schön, D., Sinnott-Armstrong, W., Somon, B., Šoškić, A., Styles, S. J., Tibon, R., Vilas, M. G., van Vliet, M., & Chaumon, M. (2022). Good scientific practice in EEG and MEG research: Progress and perspectives. NeuroImage, 257, 119056. [preprint]
Papaioannou, O., & Luck, S. J. (2022). The functional role of visual working memory: A storage buffer for non-automated cognitive operations. In T. F. Brady & W. A. Bainbridge (Eds.), Visual Memory. Routledge.
Wöstmann, M., Störmer, V. S., Obleser, J., Addleman, D. A., Andersen, S. K., Gaspelin, N., Geng, J. J., Luck, S. J., Noonan, M. P., Slagter, H. A., & Theeuwes, J. (2022). Ten simple rules to study distractor suppression. Progress in Neurobiology, 213, 102269. [preprint]
Bansal, S., Gaspar, J. M., Robinson, B. M., Leonard, C. J., Hahn, B., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2021). Antisaccade deficits in schizophrenia can be driven by attentional relevance of the stimuli. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47, 363-372.
Bansal, S., Gaspelin, N., Robinson, B. M., Hahn, B., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2021). Oculomotor inhibition and location priming in schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 130, 651-664.
Erickson, M. A., Hahn, B., Kiat, J. E., Alliende, L. M., & Gold, J. M. (2021). Neural basis of the visual working memory deficit in schizophrenia: Merging evidence from fMRI and EEG. Schizophrenia Research, 236, 61-68.
Kappenman, E. S., Farrens, J. L., Zhang, W., Stewart, A. X., & Luck, S. J. (2021). ERP CORE: An open resource for human event-related potential research. NeuroImage, 225, 117465.
Linton, S. R., Popa, A. M., Luck, S. J., Bolden, K., Angkustsiri, K., Carter, C. S., Niendam, T. A., & Simon, T. J. (2021). Atypical attentional filtering of visual information in youth with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome as indexed by event-related potentials. NeuroImage: Clinical, 32, 102877.
Luck, S. J., Gaspelin, N., Folk, C. L., Remington, R. W., & Theeuwes, J. (2021). Progress toward resolving the attentional capture debate. Visual Cognition, 29, 1-21.
Luck, S. J., Stewart, A. X., Simmons, A. M., & Rhemtulla, M. (2021). Standardized measurement error: A universal metric of data quality for averaged event-related potentials. Psychophysiology, 58, e13793. [View on NLM]
Bae, G.-Y., Leonard, C. J., Hahn, B., Gold, J. M., & Luck, S. J. (2020). Assessing the information content of ERP signals in schizophrenia using multivariate decoding methods. NeuroImage: Clinical, 102179.
Bae, G.-Y., & Luck, S. J. (2020). Serial dependence in vision: Merely encoding the previous-trial target is not enough. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 27, 293-300.
Bansal, S., Bae, G.-Y., Frankovich, K., Robinson, B. M., Leonard, C. J., Gold, J. M., & Luck, S. J. (2020). Increased repulsion of working memory representations in schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129, 845-857.
Beckner, A. G., Cantrell, L. M., DeBolt, M. C., Martinez, M., Luck, S. J., & Oakes, L. M. 2020). The development of visual short-term memory for overtly attended objects during infancy. Infancy, 25, 347–370.
Gold, J. M., Bansal, S., Anticevic, A., Cho, Y. T., Repovš, G., Murray, J. D., Hahn, B., Robinson, B. M., & Luck, S. J. (2020). Characterizing empirical constraints of computational microcircuit models of disinhibited spatial working memory in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5, 913–922.
Gold, J. M., Bansal, S., Gaspar, J. M., Chen, S., Robinson, B. M., Hahn, B., & Luck, S. J. (2020). People with schizophrenia show enhanced cognitive costs of maintaining a single item in working memory. Psychological Medicine, 50(5), 867–873.
Gold, J. M., Barch, D. M., Feuerstahler, L. M., Carter, C. S., MacDonald III, A. W., Ragland, J. D., Silverstein, S. M., Strauss, M. E., & Luck, S. J. (2020). Working memory impairment across psychotic disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45, 804–812.
Hahn, B., Bae, G.-Y., Robinson, B. M., Leonard, C. J., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2020). Cortical hyperactivation at low working memory load: A primary processing abnormality in people with schizophrenia? NeuroImage: Clinical, 26, 102270.
Leonard, C. J., Robinson, B. M., Hahn, B., Gold, J. M., & Luck, S. J. (2020). Increased influence of a previously attended feature in people with schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129, 305-311.
Linton, S. R., Popa, A. M., Luck, S. J., Bolden, K., Carter, C. S., Niendam, T. A., & Simon, T. J. (2020). Neural and behavioral measures suggest that cognitive & affective functioning interactions mediate risk for psychosis-proneness symptoms in youth with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 182A, 1615-1630.
Luck, S. J., & Kappenman, E. S. (2020). Resources to Assist EEG/ERP Researchers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychophysiology, 57, e13659.
Moran, E., Gold, J. M., Carter, C. S., MacDonald III, A. W., Silverstein, S. M., Luck, S. J., & Barch, D. M. (2020). Both unmedicated and medicated individuals with schizophrenia show impairments across a wide array of cognitive and reinforcement learning tasks. Psychological Medicine, Aug 17, 1-11.
Papaioannou, O., & Luck, S. J. (2020). Effects of eccentricity on the attention-related N2pc component of the event-related potential waveform. Psychophysiology, 57, e13532.
Bacigalupo, F., & Luck, S. J. (2019). Lateralized suppression of alpha-band EEG activity as a mechanism of target processing. The Journal of Neuroscience, 39, 900-917.
Bae, G. Y., & Luck, S. J. (2019). Decoding motion direction using the topography of sustained ERPs and alpha oscillations. NeuroImage, 184, 242-255.
Bae, G.-Y., & Luck, S. J. (2019). Reactivation of previous experiences in a working memory task. Psychological Science, 30, 587-595.
Bae, G. Y., & Luck, S. J. (2019). What happens to an individual visual working memory representation when it is interrupted? British Journal of Psychology, 110, 268–287.
Bansal, S., Robinson, B. M., Leonard, C. J., Hahn, B., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2019). Failures in top-down control in schizophrenia revealed by patterns of saccadic eye movements. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128, 415-422.
Cantrell, L. M., Kanjila, S., Harrison, M., Luck, S. J., & Oakes, L. M. (2019). Cues to individuation facilitate 6-month-old infants’ visual short-term memory. Developmental Psychology, 55, 905-919.
Feuerstahler, L. M., Luck, S. J., MacDonald III, A., & Waller, N. G. (2019). A note on the identification of change detection task models to measure storage capacity and attention in visual working memory. Behavior Research Methods, 51, 1360-1370.
Gaspelin, N., Gaspar, J. M., & Luck, S. J. (2019). Oculomotor inhibition of salient distractors: voluntary inhibition cannot override selection history. Visual Cognition, 27, 227-246.
Gaspelin, N., & Luck, S. J. (2019). Inhibition as a Potential Resolution to the Attentional Capture Debate. Current Opinion in Psychology, 29, 12-18.
Luck, S. J., Hahn, B., Leonard, C. J., & Gold, J. M. (2019). The hyperfocusing hypothesis: A new account of cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45, 991-1000.
Luck, S. J., Leonard, C. J., Hahn, B., & Gold, J. M. (2019). Is attentional filtering impaired in schizophrenia? Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45, 1001-1011.
Bae, G. Y., & Luck, S. J. (2018). Dissociable Decoding of Working Memory and Spatial Attention from EEG Oscillations and Sustained Potentials. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 409-422.
Bacigalupo, F., & Luck, S. J. (2018). Event-related potential components as measures of aversive conditioning in humans. Psychophysiology, 55, e13015.
Bansal, S., Robinson, B. M., Geng, J. J., Leonard, C. J., Hahn, B., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2018). The Impact of Reward on Attention in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 12, 66-73.
Beck, V. M., Luck, S. J., & Hollingworth, A. (2018). Whatever you do, don’t look at the… Evaluating guidance by an exclusionary attentional template. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44, 645-662.
Boudewyn, M. A., Luck, S. J., Farrens, J. L., & Kappenman, E. S. (2018). How Many Trials Does It Take to Get a Significant ERP Effect? It Depends. Psychophysiology, 55, e13049.
Erickson, M. A., Kappenman, E. S., & Luck, S. J. (2018). High temporal resolution measurement of cognitive and affective processes in psychopathology: what EEG and MEG can tell us about mental illness. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 3, 4-6.
Gaspelin, N., & Luck, S. J. (2018). Distinguishing Among Potential Mechanisms of Singleton Suppression. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44, 626-644.
Gaspelin, N., & Luck, S. J. (2018). The Role of Inhibition in Avoiding Distraction by Salient Stimuli. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22, 79-92
Gaspelin, N., & Luck, S. J. (2018). Combined Electrophysiological and Behavioral Evidence for the Suppression of Salient Distractors. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 1265-1280.
Gold, J. M., Robinson, B. M., Leonard, C. J., Hahn, B., Chen, S., McMahon, R., & Luck, S. J. (2018). Selective attention, working memory, and executive function as potential independent sources of cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44, 1227-1234.
Hahn, B., Leonard, C. J., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2018). Posterior parietal cortex dysfunction is central to working memory storage and broad cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. The Journal of Neuroscience, 37, 8373-8387.
Lee, J., Leonard, C. J., Luck, S. J., & Geng, J. J. (2018). Dynamics of feature-based attentional selection during color-shape conjunction search. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 1773-1787.
Mitsven, S. G., Cantrell, L. M., Luck, S. J., & Oakes, L. M. (2018). Visual short-term memory guides infant’s visual attention. Cognition, 2018, 177, 189-197.
Bae, G. Y., & Luck, S. J. (2017). Interactions between visual working memory representations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 8, 2376-2395.
Erickson, M. A., Albrecht, M. A., Robinson, B. M., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2017). Impaired suppression of delay-period alpha and beta is associated with impaired working memory in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 2, 272-279. [See commentary at]
Gaspelin, N., Leonard, C. J., & Luck, S. J. (2017). Suppression of Overt Attentional Capture by Salient-But-Irrelevant Color Singletons. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 45-62.
Kreither, J., Lopez-Calderon, J., Leonard, C. J., Robinson, B. M., Ruffle, A., Hahn, B., Gold, J. M., & Luck, S. J. (2017). Electrophysiological Evidence for Spatial Hyperfocusing in Schizophrenia. The Journal of Neuroscience, 37, 3813-3823.
Leonard, C. J., Robinson, B. M., Hahn, B., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2017). Altered spatial profile of distraction in people with schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 126, 1077-1086.
Luck, S. J., & Gaspelin, N. (2017). How to Get Statistically Significant Effects in Any ERP Experiment (and Why You Shouldn’t). Psychophysiology, 54, 146-157.
Oakes, L. M., Baumgartner, H. A., Kanjlia, S., & Luck, S. J. (2017). An eye tracking investigation of color-location binding in infants’ visual short-term memory. Infancy, 22, 584-607.
Sawaki, R., Kreither, J., Leonard, C. J., Kaiser, S. T., Hahn, B., Gold, J. M., & Luck, S. J. (2017). Hyperfocusing on goal-related information in schizophrenia: Evidence from electrophysiology. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 126, 106-116.
Bengson, J. J., & Luck, S. J. (2016). Effects of strategy on visual working memory capacity. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 265-270.
Kappenman, E. S., & Luck, S. J. (2016). Best Practices for Event-Related Potential Research in Clinical Populations. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 1, 110-115.
Kappenman, E. S., Luck, S. J., Kring, A. M., Lesh, T. A., Mangun, G. R., Niendam, T., Ragland, J. D., Ranganath, C., Solomon, M., Swaab, T. Y., & Carter, C. S. (2016). Electrophysiological evidence for impaired control of motor output in schizophrenia. Cerebral Cortex, 26, 1891-1899.
Kwon, M.-K., Setoodhenia, M., Baek, J., Luck, S. J., & Oakes, L. M. (2016). The development of visual search in infancy: Attention to faces versus physical salience. Developmental Psychology, 52, 537-555.
Luck, S. J., & Kappenman, E. S. (2016). Electroencephalography and Event-Related Brain Potentials. In J. T. Cacioppo, L. G. Tassinary & G. G. Berntson (Eds.), Handbook of Psychophysiology, 4th Edition (pp. 74-100). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Tanner, D., Norton, J. J., Morgan-Short, K., & Luck, S. J. (2016). On high-pass filter artifacts (they’re real) and baseline correction (it's a good idea) in ERP/ERMF analysis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 266, 166–170.
Tas, A. C., Luck, S. J., & Hollingworth, A. (2016). The Relationship between Visual Attention and Visual Working Memory Encoding: A Dissociation between Covert and Overt Orienting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 1121-1138.
Bacigalupo, F., & Luck, S. J. (2015). The allocation of attention and working memory in visual crowding. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 1180-1193.
Erickson, M. A., Hahn, B., Leonard, C. J., Robinson, B. M., Gray, B., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2015). Impaired working memory capacity is not caused by failures of selective attention in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41, 366-373.
Gaspelin, N., Leonard, C. J., & Luck, S. J. (2015). Direct Evidence for Active Suppression of Salient-but-Irrelevant Sensory Inputs. Psychological Science, 26, 1740-1750.
Leonard, C. J., Balestreri, A., & Luck, S. J. (2015). Interactions between space-based and feature-based attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 11-16.
Lockhart, S. N., Luck, S. J., Geng, J. J., Beckett, L., Disbrow, E. A., Carmichael, O., & DeCarli, C. (2015). White matter hyperintensities among older adults are associated with futile increase in frontal activation and functional connectivity during spatial search. PLoS One, 10(3), e0122445.
Miller, C. E., Luck, S. J., & Shapiro, K. L. (2015). Electrophysiological measurement of the effect of inter-stimulus competition on early cortical stages of human vision. NeuroImage, 105, 229-237.
Ragland, J. D., Ranganath, C., Philips, J., Boudewyn, M. A., Kring, A. M., Lesh, T. A., Long, D. L., Luck, S. J., Niendam, T. A., Solomon, M., Swaab, T. Y., & Carter, C. S. (in press). Cognitive Control of Episodic Memory in Schizophrenia: Differential Role of Dorsolateral and Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9:604. [Full Text]
Sawaki, R., Luck, S. J., & Raymond, J. E. (in press). How attention changes in response to incentives. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 2229-2239. [Featured in a press release from the journal]
Tanner, D., Morgan-Short, K., & Luck, S. J. (2015). How inappropriate high-pass filters can produce artifactual effects and incorrect conclusions in ERP studies of language and cognition. Psychophysiology, 52, 997-1009.
Woodman, G. F., & Luck, S. J. (2015). Using working memory to control attention. In J. Fawcett, E. F. Risko & A. Kingstone (Eds.), The Handbook of Attention (pp. 173-197). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Zhang, W., & Luck, S. J. (2015). Opposite Effects of Capacity Load and Resolution Load on Distractor Processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 22-27.
Erickson, M. A., Hahn, B., Leonard, C. J., Robinson, B. M., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2014). Enhanced vulnerability to distraction does not account for working memory capacity reduction in people with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 1, 149-154.
Gray, B. E., Hahn, B., Robinson, B. M., Harvey, A., Leonard, C. J., Luck, S. J., & Gold, J. M. (2014). Relationships between divided attention and working memory impairment in people with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40, 1462-1471.
Kappenman, E. S., Farrens, J. L., Luck, S. J., & Hajcak Proudfit, G. (2014). Behavioral and ERP Measures of Attentional Bias to Threat in the Dot-Probe Task: Poor Reliability and Lack of Correlation with Anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1368.
Keil, A., Debener, S., Gratton, G., Junhöfer, M., Kappenman, E. S., Luck, S. J., Luu, P., Miller, G., & Yee, C. M. (2014). Publication guidelines and recommendations for studies using electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography Psychophysiology, 51, 1-21.
Kwon, M.-K., Oakes, L. M., & Luck, S. J. (2014). Visual short-term memory for complex objects in 6- and 8-month-old infants. Child Development, 85, 564-577.
Leonard, C. J., Robinson, B. M., Hahn, B., Gold, J. M., & Luck, S. J. (2014). Enhanced distraction by magnocellular salience signals in schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia, 56, 359-366.
Lockhart, S. N., Roach, A. E., Luck, S. J., Geng, J. J., Beckett, L., Carmichael, O., & DeCarli, C. (2014). White matter hyperintensities are associated with visual search behavior independent of generalized slowing in aging. Neuropsychologia, 52, 93-101.
Lopez-Calderon, J., & Luck, S. J. (2014). ERPLAB: An open-source toolbox for the analysis of event-related potentials. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(213), 1-14.
Luck, S. J. (2014). An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique, Second Edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Luck, S.J., McClenon, C., Beck, V.M., Hollingworth, A., Leonard, C.J., Hahn, B., Robinson, B.M., & Gold, J.M. (2014). Hyperfocusing in schizophrenia: Evidence from interactions between working memory and eye movements. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 123, 783-795.
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